Inuka supports 4000 Kenyan nurses together with the Johsnon & Johnson foundation!  

Inuka Coaching - Johnson & Johnson nurses Kenya

Nurses in Kenya are under unprecedented strainworking long hours with low wages and dealing with challenges due to covid-19 and emotional exhaustion. Their prolonged occupational stress is leading to increased mental health challenges such as anxiety, depressions and burn-out. To address this, Inuka is working to provide coaching to 4000 nurses. We use a peer-to-peer approach, which means that we are training nurses to provide Inuka coaching to other nurses.

Next to our conventional one-on-one coaching, this project also includes something new: group-based problem solving coaching. The project started with focus groups with nurses, to get their feedback and co-create the project with them, to ensure the solution fits with their needs. 

What’s next?

Want to learn more about the mental support for Kenyan nursus? Stay tuned and make sure you subscribe to our newsletter. More information about Inuka Coaching Africa is to be found here.

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