The Inuka Foundation

Stichting Inuka’s mission is to make mental health support accessible to vulnerable groups who are not able to access quality mental health support.

Inuka was founded in the Netherlands and so far has facilitated 30.000+ self-scans, coached 5.000+ people, in 7+ languages. Inuka is expanding fast. Our method works across cultures and we continuously publish our results in scientific journals.

Inuka Foundation

Stichting Inuka’s mission is to make mental health support accessible to vulnerable groups who are not able to access quality mental health support due to the lack of professional services, the high levels of stigma and the high costs of care, specifically in low income and middle income countries. 

Our foundation achieves this through private and public partnerships that reach poor and vulnerable populations through mental and healthcare programmes, events and activities.  

Some of Inuka's social impact projects

Achmea foundation & the Friendship bench

In 2019-2020 we worked on the Achmea Foundation Programme together with our partner the Friendship Bench, this was concluded in 2021. The research, with 173 participants, showed that Inuka is feasible and acceptable as an intervention to the Zimbabwean low income populace, and preferred over WhatsApp for its anonymity, yet mobile data restraints make the WhatsApp-integrated version of Inuka highly attractive to reach scale. As part of this project we also adapted inuka so Friendship Bench can use it going forward to reach the vulnerable populations without charging them.

Inuka in Kenya for Kenyan nurses

Our activities in 2021 includes a one year project to provide mental health support to Kenyan nurses, a total nurse workforce of 70,000, who are dealing with unprecedented mental and emotional strain following the increased workload due to Covid-19 patients and also low wages, limited governmental support and resources.
Inuka Coaching - Johnson & Johnson nurses Kenya
Employee wellbeing step-to-step guide

Healthy minds foundation Nigeria

In 2020 we partnered with Healthy Minds Foundation, a charity based in Nigeria to provide over 200 Nigerians with psycho-social support through Inuka’s mobile App. The programme consisted of a mental health awareness campaign, free mental health coaching sessions and referral support.

Amnesty International and Inuka

We have recently been approved by Amnesty International’s due diligence process to provide free coaching to 200 of Amnesty International’s Youth & Peace in Action members in Q4-21, Q1-22.

Inuka foundation: for the most vulnerable.

Inuka foundation’s mission is to make mental health support accessible to vulnerable groups who are not able to access quality mental health support due to the lack of professional services, the high levels of stigma and the high costs of care.  Our foundation achieves this through private and public partnerships that reach poor and vulnerable populations through mental and healthcare programmes, events and activities. 

We work together with our partners in different ways. Firstly, by supporting the scale-up of our main foundation partner Friendship Bench in Zimbabwe and beyond by adapting the platform to their needs. Secondly, by making the Inuka platform available for free or at cost for existing mental health organisations, who can use it to reach more people and different target audiences with a digital service. And thirdly, by making Inuka coaching sessions accessible for free for the most vulnerable populations via our own projects. 

The idea of the foundation having shares is to ensure that always part of the profit and value increase that is generated by Inuka is shared with the most vulnerable that cannot be reached by a business model. The Inuka foundation is the vehicle for this.

We are interested in further partnering with other organizations throughout the world who share our vision – reach us at [email protected].  

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