Work on your resilience in short, powerful steps

With everything that comes your way, just rebound. Make yourself more resilient with our award-winning and science backed coaching platform.

Designed to empower you.

Our coaching sessions are designed to empower you. They feel like a dialogue with your best friend. With each dialogue, you feel yourself becoming more resilient. So that you sprint easier over the obstacles in your life.

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Read how it works.

The self-scan

Step 1: how are you really doing?

Answer short questions, you’ll be done in 5 minutes and it tells you quick & easy where you are:  

  • Resilient: You’re comfortable, time for a challenge
  • Run Risk: Even a small adjustment can make a big difference
  • Danger Zone: Time to take care of yourself immediately. 

NOTE: You can only use Inuka after receiving a login link from your employer.

Coaching sessions

Step 2: Talk to your personal coach anytime and anywhere.

With an Inuka coach, you get results very quickly. 96% feel better after just 4 sessions. Regardless of your state of mind, level or cultural background.  

Our Inuka coaches have a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.  

(2.954 reviews)

Track progress

Step 3: Track your progress with your personal action plan.

A personalised action plan is a concrete output from every coaching session, helping you to make progress in simple, powerful steps. You can re-taken periodically for self-insight and track your resilience over time.

Q. What's the difference between a coach and a psychologist?

Our coaches focuses mainly on the present and the future, while therapy also focuses on the past.

Therapy is meant to help you work through deeper issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. Our coaches are not trained to do this, but can refer you if they feel they cannot help you. 

Q. What are coaching sessions like?

In your first meeting, you and your coach will get to know one another and explore how it can help achieve your personal goals. In your following sessions, your coach will be an unbiased friend, helping you to guide you in your path to growth.   

Q. How long does a session last?

A standard session lasts 60 minutes. Whenever you want, you can access your action plan and results when you log in. Book yourself a session when you are ready to discuss how it went.  

Q. How is my anonymity guaranteed?

Our coaches never see your email address or your real name. They will see your avatar name, a name that is given to you. Your employer will never see your data. He can never see who participates, what answers someone gives to the self-scan questions or what was discussed in the coaching sessions.  

Your employer does receive anonymous data on all participants, but only if it is not traceable to people.  This data encourages your employer to make the work environment healthier and not put the onus on employees. 

Our privacy policy for processing sensitive data is GDPR compliant and we are ISO27001 certified.  

Q. How can I be sure my coach is good?

It’s your call whether a coach works well. 

Are you unlucky that you and your coach are not a good match? No worries, you can switch coaches at any time! 

About our coaches

The Inuka Method
Every Inuka coach uses the same scientifically-proven Inuka Method. Unlike what many therapists or counselors offer, all coaches at Inuka work with the same methodology, so you receive a similar, high-quality service every session. They help you cope better with challenges.  

200+ hours of training
All coaches have undergone in-depth training.  Only after passing an exam can they start coaching. The training and exam are conducted by our team of experienced coaches, certified therapists, and psychiatrists. 

Strict quality control
We monitor the quality carefully and our team of therapists provides ongoing support to all our coaches.   

Careful selection
Our coaches are carefully screened and selected by us. 

Solid research and development
Over the past 20+ years, much research has been done on the Inuka Method. The most recent research showed that 2 out of 3 employees – who were at risk of burnout or dropout – became resilient within 4 coaching sessions. In other words, they were no longer at risk. In addition, we saw that 96% of all people who attended coaching sessions were better able to cope with problems. These results were published in the Cambridge Global Mental Health Journal (2021). 

Different problems
Our Inuka coaches help with different types of problems or challenges. Think of a bad relationship with your manager, a high workload, a negative atmosphere in the office, but also private events such as a broken relationship, a death, or moving to a new city. 

Reaching goals
An Inuka coach will help you set and achieve goals that you find important. Like improving your physical performance, it is just easier with a personal coach by your side.  

Disclaimer: Inuka Coaching is not a medical service. If you have bigger problems such as addiction, a serious mental disorder, depression or trauma, we will always recommend that you seek medical help. 

Inuka Coaching explained in 1 minute.

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About the self-scan

20 questions (based on the worldwide known and proven SRQ-20 method) to find out if someone is resilient or at risk. This scan contains questions about physical health, emotional status, meaning, and energy level.

This method has been used since 1983 and was extensively developed and validated by the WHO (division of mental health) in 1994. Inuka uses a modernized version of this scan. 

About our coaching

Quick and sustainable results

Together with our coaches, the employees quickly map out what is going on and make a concrete plan to tackle the situation.

  • Book a coach right away;
  • Video calling or chat;
  • The first session within 48 hours;
  • Coaching In 6+ languages including English, Dutch, German, Hindi & French;
  • Our coaches are empathetic people with a warm character;
  • 2 out of 3 at-risk employees who complete an Inuka coaching program go back to resilience.
  • Our results have been published in the Cambridge Global Mental Health Journal, 2021.

200+ hours of training

All our coaches have received at least 200 hours of training in the scientifically proven Inuka Method and are trained by our expert psychologists and coaches.

About the action plan

An action plan ensures that employees know how to feel better in short and powerful steps.
  • An employee leaves each coaching session with a personal action plan, so that they know how to feel better step by step.
  • The trick is to break big problems into small pieces, and thus make all challenges manageable by taking small steps.
  • This action plan is mainly there to remind you which actions you are going to take and when.  This way you give your new behavioral patterns a nice kickstart..
  • In the follow-up session, you and your coach will review the action plan and see if it is going well, until you are really feeling better again, with measurable results.

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Demos are available for organisational decision makers. During a demo session we provide you with access to our environment and an explanation of our services. After the session you can try our services yourself for 14 days.
Time needed for the demo session: 30 minutes.

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Inuka is delighted to have been awarded 2nd best Global HR innovation of 2023 by SHRM, the world’s largest body of HR professionals! We're thrilled to be the first Bcorp to reach the finals.

Together, everyone resilient!

Find out how our world-leading online coaching innovation can make a measurable impact in your organisation. Book a demo here

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