How do we find the balance between work and private life?

Working from Home Inuka Coaching

Inuka Coaching Bob de Blob

Life lessons from Bob de Blob

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John Maxwell

We all know that corona made us find new working styles when we moved from ouroffices to our dining tables, beds and other improvised working stations. For some it was heaven, for others hell. What are the lessons we learned and what will our work look like moving forward?

Has working remotely made us closer to our coworkers?

In a 2021 report, Microsoft performed an analysis of billions of emails and their main discovery is that the shift to remote work has noticeably shrunk our networks. The report shows that last year, employees have gotten to know each other in different ways: 1 in 5 have met their colleagues’ pets or families virtually and 1 in 6 people have cried with a coworker.

Mental health hero of the month: Naomi Osaka

Photo: Naomi Osaka via Getty Images

In late May, tennis star Naomi Osaka made headlines when she decided to withdraw from the French Open due to mental health concerns after officials threatened to fine her $15,000 for not attending media activities. Her announcement is a wake-up call for the stigma surrounding mental illness inthe world of elite sports. Osaka’s decision is highly influential for the young people who look up to her and shows just how important it is to prioritize your mental wellbeing and have discussions about it.

Three lessons from remote working that are here to stay

How to keep what’s good about it:

1. Make a plan
Planning is about making sure the basics are in order. Are the IT systems working as they should? Does everyone in the company have access to work materials? Have clear agreements on working hours and breaks and check-in on how everyone is doing.

2. Talk to each other
When we miss the chats by the side of the coffee machine, it is important to explore different ways to replace that communication. Share information through different channels like WhatsApp or Zoom, and find a system where everyone has aclear overview of theirs’ and others’ responsibilities.

3. Connect
Lastly, take time for the fun sides of work life. Create opportunities where everyone can show interest in their coworkers’ personal lives, such as with pub quizzes, online escape rooms or better yet, in offline social gatherings.

Why you are not getting great sleep

You spend about a third of your life sleeping, yet most of us still struggle getting quality sleep, why is that? It could be because you do not have a good sleep routine, not going to bed at the same time or taking long naps during the day. Maybe you struggle putting your phone down in the hour before bed and the blue light displays from the screen make your brain think it is still day time. Or perhaps you are in need of some relaxation exercises like stretching your body and taking deep breaths which can help you release the day’s worries before crawling into bed.

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orange: at risk.
purple: danger zone.

zoneWe especially recommend those with a purple or orange score to try our coaching. Naturally, our coaches are there for anyone that wishes to have a chat or start working towards their goals.

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