Coaching scale-up Inuka raises € 620k investment to achieve mission


In recent months scale-up Inuka has raised € 620K growth money to make mental health accessible to everyone. With their well-being service and platform they help companies gain insight into the mental health of employees and immediately come to the rescue with their proven coaching method. This can prevent costly burnouts. With this investment Inuka wants to make top quality support accessible to everyone even faster in a humane, accessible way.


Inuka can become the worldwide market leader in mental health in the workplace – Wendy van Ierschot


Meet Inuka’s passionate investors

The investors who enable further growth of this platform are Horizon Flevoland, De Rabobank, Wendy van Ierschot (VIE People), Luca Merolla (Guru Capital) and Arjan Grootenboer.

According to Wendy van Ierschot, Inuka is a solution that comes with the right quality at the right time. “We have used Inuka with our team and our customers. Although people sometimes are skeptical about online coaching at first, the experience afterwards is a 100% super positive. In addition, it is wonderful how Inuka is both a good company and is doing business in a sustainable way. In my view, Inuka can become the worldwide market leader in mental health in the workplace.”

Luca Merolla agrees: ”The passion of the founders, the scientific approach combined with the positive impact and results obtained through the Inuka Method were the key reasons that made me want to support the Inuka story. The environmental changes, especially during COVID-19, are causing mental health conditions like: anxiety, stress, depression to name a few. Today more than ever, it is super important that companies like Inuka are leading the way to provide mental health accessible to everyone.”

It is clear that investor Arjan Grootenboer believes in Inuka’s proven coaching method. Since the beginning of 2020 he has been involved full-time with the company as Chief Business Development.


Robin (Inuka), Stephan (Inuka) en Arjan (Inuka) met investeerder Wendy van Ierschot (VIE People)

Further growth through Inuka investment

Inuka uses the investment to further improve the technical platform, to grow both nationally and internationally, and to further expand and professionalize the team. In addition, the money is used to put more love into the product and to be able to make a greater impact. CEO Robin van Dalen: “We want to make mental health accessible to everyone in a simple and effective way.” With the Inuka coaching innovation she wants to show that top-quality coaching does not have to have a super high price tag. “Not only the top of companies or people with well-filled wallets should get help in improving their mental health but everyone who needs it. And our Inuka coaching innovation really makes this possible ”

About Inuka Coaching

Inuka lowers the threshold to receive effective professional help. In addition, it provides organizations insight into how their employees are doing. Inuka’s method is a proven coaching method for almost any problem. With the self-scan – which is completely anonymous and only takes five minutes – employees can find out how their mental health is going. Are they resilient or do they experience a lot of mental stress and are they at-risk for burnout? After doing the scan, they can be paired with a trained Inuka coach. With this coach, they get to work with their challenges via anonymous chat sessions. 82% of the coached employees report significant progress after only 4 sessions.


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