The passionate people behind Inuka Coaching: Robin van Dalen

Robin van Dalen Inuka Coaching

When we ask our customers what they like most about our company, they often mention the passion and warmth of the people working at Inuka. That’s why we want you to meet these warm people! Let’s kick off with Robin van Dalen, our CEO. She’s as enthusiastic and energetic as she looks in the photo.

Can you name 3 typical words your friends would use to describe you? 

Enthusiastic, passionate, smart (and if we’ve got to be honest, definitely chaotic).   

Why did you start Inuka Coaching? 

When I was getting out of my own mental breakdown and depression, I realised that most people (like me) aren’t aware that they need help until it is too late. The solutions that already existed were not easy to access or affordable. I wanted to make it accessible for people to get support and that is why I started Inuka Coaching.

What gets you going every morning?  

Making real life and concrete impact on people’s lives together with my awesome team, partners and customers! Almost every meeting or action we take feels like real joy or serves a purpose.   

You run a scale-up: how do you keep yourself resilient?  

By putting things in perspective, all the time. But also having hobbies outside of work, our cat, a lot of humour and laughter, and surrounding myself at work with super smart people who are intrinsically motivated and kind-hearted.  

What is the most important lesson you have learned about your own mental health? 

Keep it simple. Awesome spiritual trips, life travels, deep energy work: they all serve their purpose but in the end it’s about the daily choices I make. Do I move, eat well and make quality time for myself and my loved ones and stuff that gives me energy? Because no matter how much deep explorations and self-development I do beyond that, if I don’t keep my basics in order, my mental health suffers.  

Robin van Dalen Inuka Coaching

What would you tell the 23-year-old you?  

Keep on doing what you’re doing – living a life of no regrets – I’m rooting for you! And yes, if you continue living life as crazy as you do now, you’ll definitely run into a big wall at some point and discover you’re not at all invincible. But I know many people have told you and no-one – including your 33-year-old self – will change your stubborn mind. Plus, also ending up in that big black hole will teach you valuable life lessons and allow you to love even deeper – it’s gonna be worth it. The ups, the downs, the adventure called life!  

What goals would you like to achieve in the future, personally and professionally?  

Being both a good enough CEO and a good enough mum and find peace in that, no perfection. I am giving birth to my first child hopefully in a month, and I am not sure yet how I’ll combine this with Inuka mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So, figuring that out will be my focus.  

How did coaching help you and (why) would you recommend coaching to anyone? 

It helped me to go from thinking about how I should live my life to actually doing it. It helped me detangle my super busy mind that kept on getting stuck in big plans and events, and move to making the small but essential changes to live a healthier, more purposeful life: making more time for myself, loved ones, exercise and doing things that give me energy.  

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