Why Inuka?

Our clients choose us because of our relentless focus on high quality coaching, the deep data insights we provide to allow for accurate tracking of impact and our accessible pricing.

Inuka's Proven Method

Inuka’s proven method is developed from 20 years of world-leading research by Co-founder and thought leader Prof. Dixon Chibanda. It is effective across cultures, backgrounds, languages, and energy levels (from languishing to peak performance) 

Relentless focus on quality

All Inuka coaches are trained in-house on our Inuka method and have passed our exams. Our training takes 2-4 months and is ICF CCE accredited – the industry gold-standard. Our coaches are continually developing through refresher training, feedback, and intervision.

Awesome coaches

The combination of Inuka being mission driven, science-based, and having our in-house excellent training academy, makes Inuka hugely popular with top coaches who want to make a real difference, grow professionally, and be able to demonstrate client impact.

Want to give Inuka Coaching a try for your organization?

People Analytics

Employees make and smash goals from session to session. Scans are re-taken periodically for self-insight and track increased resilience over time. Our benchmarks help you to compare your baseline and progress to see traction 

People insights

Beyond the headline data, you want to really get to know the needs of your employees. We crystallise employee sentiment, the root causes of stress, the trending topics by employee groups, and translate these insights into actionable solutions for systemic change. 

Friendly Pricing

Inuka offers a subscription service with a low annual cost per employee. The cost is akin to that of an annual gift. Our most popular service package, the Strategic Partner package, is currently €69 per employee, per annum.

A surprising return

Inuka’s solution typically offers a return of 200-500% as a minimum. So with this, you can demonstrate that caring for your people makes total business sense!

Want to give Inuka Coaching a try for your organization?

Case studies

Gain more insights on Inuka by reading our case-studies. Find out how Inuka Coaching for organisations such as Merkle, InShared, KIT or de Zorgcirkel.

We love feedback, difficult questions, or just compliments :)

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Demos are available for organisational decision makers. During a demo session we provide you with access to our environment and an explanation of our services. After the session you can try our services yourself for 14 days.
Time needed for the demo session: 30 minutes.

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Inuka is delighted to have been awarded 2nd best Global HR innovation of 2023 by SHRM, the world’s largest body of HR professionals! We're thrilled to be the first Bcorp to reach the finals.

Together, everyone resilient!

Find out how our world-leading online coaching innovation can make a measurable impact in your organisation. Book a demo here

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